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作者:中医临床研究   来源:中医临床研究   发布时间:2015-10-22


Curative Effect Observation on treatment of YinghuaPills for 120 Cases with Chronic Plevic Inflammatory Disease


(安阳市中医院,河南  安阳,455000)


类号:R711.33    献标识码:A    文章编号:1674-7860(2015)24-0084-03    :IDGB

【摘  要】目的:观察和分析国内最新妇科消炎中成药英花片对慢性盆腔炎治疗的效果。方法:依据选择标准,选取门诊就医并确诊的慢性盆腔炎患者180例,采取完全随机分组法,将患者分为观察组120例,对照组60例。观察组口服英花片,3/次,3/d,对照组口服妇科千金片,6/次,3/d,均治疗4周,比较两组综合疗效,治疗前后主要症状、体征,病情积分及观察组随机抽取的30例患者治疗前后甲襞微循环参数。结果:英花片治疗慢性盆腔炎总有效率97.5%,明显优于对照组81.7%P0.01);对白带增多、下腹坠胀、子宫压痛、附件区压痛等主要症状、体征改善的总有效率分别为96.4%97.0%96.3%97.2%,均优于对照组(P0.01);两组治疗后积分均低于治疗前(P0.01),但观察组更优于对照组(P0.05);观察组30例患者的流态积分、袢周状态积分、总积分治疗前后比较有明显差异(P0.05)。结论:英花片对治疗慢性盆腔炎有明显疗效,能改善患者的主要症状、体征和组织微循环,修复受损组织,并且安全、无毒副作用。


AbstractObjectives: To observe and analyze thecurative effect of Yinghua Pills and the latest gynecologic anti-inflammatoryChinese traditional patent medicine on CPID. Methods: 180 cases with ChronicPlevic Inflammatory Disease were selected according to the selection standardand randomly divided into an observation group with 120 people and a controlgroup with 60 people. Patients in the observation group took Yinghua Pillsthree times a day, three pills each time; while patients in the control grouptook Qianjin Pills, three times a day, six pills each time. After four weeks oftreatment, the two groups were compared in terms of overall curative effect,physical signs and symptoms before and after treatment, and conditionintegration. Nail fold microcirculation parameters before and after treatmentof 30 randomly selected patients from the observation group were also compared.Results: The overall efficiency of Yinghua Pills for CPID is 97.5%, obviouslyhigher than that of control group with efficiency 81.7% (P0.01);along withimproved physical signs the overall efficacy for leukorrhagia, pendantexpansion in the lower abdomen, pressing pain in the womb, and pressing pain inaccessories are 96.4%, 97.0%, 96.3% and 97.2% respectively, all of which arebetter than those in the control group (P0.01); after-treatment, integrations of bothgroups are all higher than before-treatment integrations (P0.01), yet the observation group is better (P0.05); flow integrations, statusintegrations and overall integrations of the 30 patients from the observationgroup show noticeable differences on a before-and-after basis (P0.05). Conclusion: Yinghua Pills haveobvious curative effect for CPID; can improve patients’ key symptoms, physicalsigns and organic microcirculations, and repair damaged tissues which has highsafety without toxic and side effect.

KeywordsYinghua pills; CPID; Observation on curativeeffect



