Brief Analysis of Skillsof Communication between Nurses and Patients
娄思娅 王艳璞
(河南省中医药研究院,河南 郑州,450000)
中图分类号:R471 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-7860(2015)21-0132-02
【摘 要】在各科室患者的临床治疗中,护理人员需要与患者及其家属之间建立和谐的护患关系。良好的护患关系与护理人员的沟通技巧密不可分。良好的沟通技巧既便于护理人员及时地掌握患者的治疗信息,有助于为患者提供科学、有效的临床服务,同时也有助于实现护患之间的有效沟通,建立和谐的护患关系。在实际运用中,常见的沟通技巧包括倾听技巧、沉迷技巧以及触摸技巧等。本文重点对护士的沟通技巧的重要性及其具体内容进行深入分析,以为实现良好的护患沟通提供一定的理论参考。
【Abstract】In the clinical treatment of the patients in every department,the nurse needs to establish a harmonious relationship with the patients and their families.Good nurse-patient relationship is closely related to the communication skills of nurses.Good communication skills are not only helpful for the nursing staff to master the information of the patients timely manner to provide scientific and effective clinical services,but also will help to achieve the effective communication between the patients and the nurses and establish harmonious relationship between nurses and patients. In practice, the common communication skills include listening skills, indulging techniques and touching skills. This paper focused on the importance and the specific content of the communication skills, so as to provide a theoretical reference for the realization of good nurse-patient communication.
【Keywords】Nurse;Patient;Communication Skills